Media and Information Literacy Eportfolio


Making the best use of technology and efficiently maximize its use on our daily life to further enlarge our connection, knowledge, and communication and to make life easier.
 This blog is all about my personal profile and  Media and Information Literacy on how to became literate in Media and Technology on  making the best use of it and learning what the online world store for us.

About the Author:

Ivan Cedrick B. Militar a senior high grade 12 student in STEM at Marikina Polytechnic College. Living in modern era generation and making the best use what my generation has stored for me. Im also a Christian and a True Worshiper of Jesus Christ.

Table of Contents


Group Discussion and Brainstorming 
about "What if there is no technology?"

Presentation about 
What if there is no technology?

Group work and
Power point presentation 

Creative Commons License
MIL E-portfolio of Ivan Cedrick Militar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at


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