Homework#1: Media and Information Design Framework

Article: Evangelism at Work

Imagine yourself as a journalist. You were tasked to write an article. 
Accomplish the media and information design framework for this article by answering the matrix below:
Guide Questions
Your Answer
Target Audience
Who is the intended audience?
Christians and Unbelievers.
Who is the producer?
Myself/Ivan Cedrick B. Militar
What is the purpose?
To tell how important Evangelism in order to share God’s Word.
Key Content
What is the topics?
What are the facts?
The topic is to share the gospel through evangelism.
The fact that less churches practices Evangelism inside and outside the church.
Form / Style
How can I present this information?
How would this affect my audience?
I will present this information by posting it on social media.
They can freely access and view my article and comment online.
Medium / Format
What platform will I use? Why?
Social media platform specifically Facebook, because it has multitude of users that can access, read and view my article.

2.How did these questions help you as a journalist? 

These questions help me further analyze my ideas, simplify my thoughts and let me critically think to add more ideas to my article

Creative Commons License

Media and Information Design Framework by Ivan Cedrick B. Militar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Based on a work at https://124ivamilmil.blogspot.com/2019/08/media-and-information-design-framework.html.


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